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The halfway point and how to continue

I don't have much for the blog this morning, but I felt like I needed to do something just to keep up the streak, so here we are.

This weekend was a rare social weekend for me, seeing an old friend I haven't seen in a while, and then playing games with another old friend. I missed them both and it was a pleasure to see/talk to them!

The downside to social interaction for me is that my social battery is so easily drained. Just those two short interactions will take a while to recharge from before I'm able to go out again. Playing games will be easier to recover from, but will still take time. On top of that, the short nap that I took yesterday completely threw my sleep schedule off and I wasn't able to sleep until nearly 1am, which meant the 5:30am wake up time of writing days was a pipe dream.

So I didn't get any writing done today. Which is fine - days off to recharge are still spent thinking and planning and wondering - but I'm interested to see where the story leads. I've reached what I imagine is close to the halfway point of the story, and the action should start getting fairly intense in the coming chapters. At the same time, I'm currently trapped in the dreaded "middle of the book", which is always the hardest push to get through. Another downside to continuing on is that I have a few different ideas of how to bring together the story, but I haven't settled on the right one yet. I have a somewhat solid idea of how it will end, but to get there a few things need to happen that I haven't ironed out.

The good news, however, is that I have Friday off from work in preparation of my new couch being delivered Saturday, which means I can have an extra long writing session that morning, and hopefully catch up on some of the missed progress. Not that I'm lagging behind nearly as much as I feel I am. The hope was to have the first draft completed and onto the first edit by somewhere near August to October, which I should still be fairly on track for. If I'm aiming for a February/March release next year, that gives me plenty of time for beta reads and an editor pass as well as the cover and other preparations. Let's hope it all works out in the end.

As a random aside while we approach the middle of Mental Health Awareness month, I'll just mention again that PsyConics deals directly with mental health in an exciting, slightly sci-fi way, if you're interested. If I'm thinking about it, The Path of the Divine Order touches on the topic of anxiety and breaking free from some of those self-imposed shackles as well. So feel free to check that out as well! I wouldn't be a self-published author if I wasn't constantly shilling my work. Hah.

With that, and the amount of yawning I'm still actively doing, I think that's all I have for today. Here's to a great week for everyone, the hope of breaking through the center point of this story, and the excitement of my upcoming three day weekend!


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